02–28–2023 — Lif3 Update

7 min readMar 1, 2023


Today marks the last day of February, and later today will bring us the Monthly Candle Close as well as the first trading for March of 2023. It has been an exciting year so far for Crypto as a whole and for the Tomb | Lif3 Ecosystem. January brought us Quantum Miami, and February brought us Lif3 Trade and more cross-chain options that further complement what we are building here. I think we have started this year right, and I am excited to see where this all heads in the coming months and years. Last week’s primary focus was bringing Lif3 Trade to light after its initial soft launch. I am pleased to say our efforts were not in vain, and I’ll share with you some of that data here in a little bit.

Lif3 Trade:

Lif3 Trade has seen impressive growth over the course of the last week. Every single metric is up, and some by a magnitude of 20X. With fees reduced to 0.05%, Lif3 Trade offers the best value out there for perpetual and spot trades and swaps. There is plenty going on under the hood at the moment, but let’s talk a bit more about the surface-level metrics.

Volume: Total Volume is comprised of five main components. These are:

Swaps — All swaps that route through the Swap feature on the Trade tab

Mint LLP — Depositing either $BTC, $ETH, $FTM, $BOO or $USDC on the Liquidity tab

Burn LLP — Swapping $LLP for $BTC, $ETH, $FTM, $BOO or $USDC on the Liquidity tab

Liquidations — All liquidations processed through Lif3 Trade

Margin Trading — Trading positions opened on Lif3 Trade with leverage

In the last week alone, Total Volume increased by over 300% of the soft-launch period. Lif3 Trade Total Volume stands near $19,000,000.

Fees: Total Fees is comprised of the same five components as Total Volume. Margin Trading and Swaps make up most of the fees collected, which are then passed on to $LIF3 and $LLP stakers from within the platform. Total fees collected thus far through Lif3 Trade is nearly $30,000. This represents nearly a 100% increase from last week, and this includes the reduction of fees to 0.05%. $LIF3 and $LLP stakers are earning 72% and 86% APR, respectively.

LLP Pool: This metric shows us the total USD Dollar amount of the tokens supplied for $LLP. This is an extremely important metric because it acts as the facilitator of liquidity on the exchange. The higher the LLP Pool, the more trades can be open with leverage. I have seen a 22% increase since last week in the overall size of the LLP Pool, which is a good start. LLP Pool currently sits at over $1.2M.

Users: Total Users is a metric comprised of three main components. These are:

Swaps — Any user that performs a swap routed through our Lif3 Trade Swap

Margin Trading — Any trader who Opens and Closes a position on Lif3 Trade

Mint and Burn LLP — Any user who either Mints by Supplying or Burns by selling LLP

Users can be further broken down analytically by separating the Unique Users from New Users. Unique users are daily visits to Lif3 Trade that perform one, two, or all three of the metrics above, while New Users are brand new users to the site that have performed one, two, or all three of the metrics above. Total Users (the cumulative number of all New Users) is currently near 2400 users, which is an increase of over 1800% from last week.

OI: Open Interest is defined as the total dollar amount of open positions between all market participants on Lif3 Trade. This number can fluctuate all the time but we have seen steady growth from last week, somewhere to the tune of 120 -200%. As the LLP pool grows, more traders will be able to open positions, allowing us to further increase the caps for each pool.

All this being said, the numbers only tell one side of the story. The other side is YOU, the user. Your feedback and suggestions help shape the direction we go in the future. Don’t be shy to leave your comments with the mods in both Discord and Telegram. We have plenty we are working on under the hood, and we strive to make the platform as friendly, easy, and enjoyable as possible.

Buy Crypto with your Credit Card:

It has taken a fair amount of work, but I am happy to announce that you will soon be able to buy Crypto with your Credit Card thanks to the upcoming Ramp integration. Ramp is available in 150+ countries and territories and in 35 US states (plus the District of Columbia). Ramp will be integrated on a dropdown menu on Lif3.com underneath your wallet address. This will be available initially on Fantom, Poly, and BNB Chain.

Multichain Bridge:

For a long time, Multichain.org has quietly handled many bridge functions for many protocols. Implementing Multichain.org on Lif3.com will allow for seamless bridging between Fantom, Poly, and BNB Chain. Like Ramp, this integration will happen on Fantom, Poly, and BNB Chain first. Happy Bridging.

Terrace Spotlight:

3 cross-chain options for the terrace are now live, on top of the original native Tomb Chain Terrace. Supply has been added on the Lif3 Ecosystem side, clearing a simple and easy path for those holding gas tokens on Fantom, Poly or BNB Chain. The Terrace is the key to unlocking the potential of leveraged LPs and the power of the Greenhouse.

Enjoy Lif3 in Denver this week:

From the team that brought you Quantum Miami, “Enjoy Lif3” is positioning itself to be the flagship afterparty and networking event for the upcoming web3 conferences globally. The next stop on the tour is ETHDenver! Taking place March 2nd-5th in the heart of Denver, ETHDenver is a must-attend event. With the industry’s top developers, VCs, protocols, communities, and innovators, enjoyLif3 is excited to join the ranks as one of the must-attend events of the week.

Join us:

March 2nd, 5–10 PM
Mirus Gallery
1144 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

We look forward to welcoming you with Food, Drinks, Swaggg, Live Music & Good Vib3s

Website: https://www.enjoylif3.com/

Ticket Claim: https://www.tixr.com/groups/mirusdenver/events/enjoylif3-62222

It’s Time to Spread the Word:

Our community is our most valuable asset. Your feedback and suggestions help shape everything that we build. I’m calling on everyone to help spread the word and welcome new members into our socials with open arms. The new Lif3 Discord is open, and we’ll be implementing some new fun and engaging ways to earn Roles and become beacons of light for new members as they start making their way in. If you haven’t joined Discord yet, you can do so here: https://discord.gg/lif3

I see many of you have taken the challenge of Crew3 and the associated Quests head-on. The Leaderboard shows me the winners for the inaugural Sprint and I thank you for your participation. I think the mods in the Lif3 Discord have a little something planned for you.

And with a new TT comes new Challenges, and with new Challenges come new Champions. Consider Week 1 a warm-up as the team has prepared to kick-off a very special two-week-long Sprint that should have started earlier today.

This new Sprint will have Discord Roles to flash to your friends and 20K $LIF3 in prizes! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, help spread the word, enjoy a friendly competition, and have the chance to earn yourself some $LIF3. Details will be on Crew3, and see the mods if you have any questions. Enjoy $LIF3.

You can get started with our new Crew3 Quests here: https://crew3.xyz/c/lif3/invite/_ZF08PWRY3rQ1W0n-vqng

Λ Lif3 in Crypto:

Please enjoy this week’s comic.

Keep Calm and Enjoy Lif3!




Written by Lif3

Lif3.com is a complete multi-chain DeFi Ecosystem. Brought to you by the same team behind Tomb.com

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